👋🏼 I'm

Burak Kantarci

Building software as a product designer, writing about my wonders - Living in 🇬🇧 London

What am I working on?

I'm working as Senior Product Designer at Beacon, dedicated to revolutionizing the supply chain industry. My role involves creating user-centric solutions that bring transparency and efficiency, enabling businesses to optimize their logistics operations.

Co-hosting a podcast - Depo Bitene Kadar - about building products, startups and entrepreneurship.

Burak Kantarci - Crowdlinker talkBurak Kantarci - UXMinimal Event hostingBurak Kantarci - Google Developers Group summit talkBurak Kantarci - Testjs Summit talkBurak Kantarci - PodcastBurak Kantarci - seyisco presentation

Job highlights

A glimpse of projects that I've worked and been working on.

Beacon (2023 - ...)Senior Product DesignerBeacon's supply chain visibility software connects you and your stakeholders with the data, insights and collaboration tools
Thundra (2021 - 2023)Product ManagerBuild SaaS products for engineering teams to improve their development experience.
🔋 Acquired by Catchpoint
Doviz.com (2016 - 2021)Product DesignerDesigned a platform with 10M+ users for portfolio management and global market tracking.
⭐️ Featured 4 times on AppStore


How to watch markets and your investments — UX Case Study

Prioritization at a Startup — Value vs. Effort Framework

Last updated: Jan 2024